Altar Servers:The altar servers assist at Liturgical celebrations. Their efficient and reverent service enables the celebrant to attend to his role while the liturgical actions unfold with calm, order and appropriate decorum. Altar servers consist of young boys and girls, men and women who are baptized members of the Catholic church and have received the Sacrament of First Communion.
Lectors:This ministry serves the liturgical assembly by proclaiming sacred scriptures during the Liturgy of the Word which enables the parish community to hear the Word of God clearly and receive it more readily.
Music and Choirs: Music has a great importance in the celebrations of the church. Members of this ministry empower and encourage the voices of the parish community by sharing their vocal, instrumental and leadership talents in worship at the Sunday masses .
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are parishioners who practice their faith in a exemplary manner and are commissioned by the pastor to serve. They share their faith in special ways by assisting in the distribution of Holy communion at each Mass. The reception of the Eucharist brings us into the light and love of Christ.
Hospitality: Serve the Liturgy by helping to establish a climate of welcome, helpfulness and order among those gathered.
Altar Linens: The Altar Linens Team is to ensure that the Altar cloths are clean and changed to the appropriate colour for each Liturgical season. The Team also cares for all of the corporals, purificators, and towels used at each and every Mass.
Liturgical Environment: Under the direction of the Pastor, the Liturgical Environment Planner prepares for Liturgical celebrations at the parish. The beauty, quality and appropriateness of the space where the Liturgy is celebrated are crucial for full participation by the assembly.
Children Liturgy: The Liturgy of the Word of God is presented to children according to their level of participation preparing them for full participation in the Liturgy.